10 % folks Singles are employing internet dating sites

Here are a few online dating stats from POF Blog. I believe these numbers are for 2011 and simply concern america.

  • discover 54 million singles
  • Of those 10% (5.5 million) are presently making use of an internet dating service
  • 2.6 million pay for the service making 2.9 million that do not.
  • In general 8.8 million have actually attempted online dating sites

in accordance with the me Census in 2009 there had been 95.9 million single people in the US. So I imagine about 40 % of the must certanly be in certain sort of common law connection and simply haven’t married. It’s my opinion the 10 % figure of individuals who make use of online dating sites probably have not altered a great deal during the last 5 years. The trick now for online dating sites is to get the other 49 million to try online dating sites.
